The Importance of Grass roots activism for the climate

WeBeGreen 🌱
3 min readMar 24, 2023


As strong believers in collaboration we recently worked with EarthRebirth.Team on a small piece promoting the importance of grass roots activism to save the climate. You can find the full article on their website here.

What IS WeBeGreen?

Simply put, WeBeGreen is an environmental hub which seeks to centralise and organise environmental action for increased effectiveness in climate activism. WeBeGreen is creating an ecosystem of advisors, activists, project leaders, volunteers and campaigners all interacting and collaborating towards a common goal. The platform is built around a gamification aspect where activity is rewarded by a point and achievement system, recorded and displayed on each user’s public profile.

How can a person join WeBeGreen? Who should join and why?

You don’t need your own placard and you don’t need to be a hardcore activist to join WeBeGreen. As a matter of fact WeBeGreen is for anyone who is worried about this lack of urgency and commitment from our leadership in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. You can get involved as little or as much as you want. We have a “Daily Digital Activism” page where we post predominantly petitions and digital action but also some interesting resources. It takes 5 minutes of your day and can really make a difference. For those who want to get more involved, you can join an existing project or create your very own. The web-app lets you add in a bunch of details and post the project on our homepage. Anyone from the WeBeGreen community can join your project and you manage it from there on. Signing up is super easy, just click signup, set your password and create! You’ll be asked to add some details for your profile. Your email is never shown and you can use a pseudonym or abbreviate your name if you wish.

How is WeBeGreen different from other groups?

WeBeGreen is a facilitator working to bring all these environmental groups together, onto one platform. By creating a centralised environment for us all to organise we are undeniably stronger and much harder to ignore. There are many groups out there doing incredible work but often in an isolated fashion. And likewise there are many people out there who are worried about the climate and the environment but don’t know where to go, where to start. You may join an Extinction Rebellion project one day, Greenpeace another, sign petitions for Avaaz another. WeBeGreen brings all these people together to collaborate on one centralised hub making it a one stop shop for environmental activism.

What inspired you to start this group? What does it mean to you?

On a personal level I’ve always loved the natural world and seeing its destruction first hand is truly heartbreaking. I find it hard to stand idle as all of this is happening and whilst it’s easy to bury your head in the sand and to try and ignore what’s going on, especially when the messaging is so negative, I feel compelled to do something. It’s our responsibility, our obligation, our duty to fight for our planet. I started WeBeGreen because our leadership has failed us and I believe we must take matters into our own hands to orchestrate top down change. We’ve perpetuated a system of grotesque inequalities, systems based on exploitation, exploitation of others but also of animals and of the natural world. We’ve created a system of consumerism and misplaced values. But a lot of the world is waking up, especially the younger generations, and we are due a colossal system shift and we need to ensure this shift is to a more positive system. WeBeGreen was built to help precipitate and direct this shift.

I believe we are intrinsically good and care about our environment but we don’t always know what to do, where to put our energies and who the true culprits are. This can lead to frustration, defeatism and cynicism. WeBeGreen gives us a platform on which to organise and contribute to causes. It lets us take positive, daily, action and exposes us to other opinions and causes in the movement. WeBeGreen was built to offer solutions and give cause for optimism.

Coordinating Action Orchestrating change. is an environmental platform connecting grass root initiatives with like minded activists in your area. Read up about us here.



WeBeGreen 🌱

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